Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Learning From The Greek Tragedy, pt. 1

Freeman here.

Yesterday's NYT spoke to the meltdown in Greece and the resulting "JUNK" rating of their mounting debt. For those not aware of the rating agencies and the problem with this lower rating-when an entity's debt gets downgraded, it is more expensive to borrow money. So you can either temper your spending on your own, or the rating agencies will downgrade you (once your debt load gets too high) and borrowing the money becomes prohibitively expensive-- so hopefully, the sheer expense tempers said spending. Think "we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way."

Even on a micro level, this situation makes perfect sense- banks check creditworthiness with debt-to-income ratios, credit scores, etc. If someone's debt-to-income is spiralling out of control, a bank will not lend them money. If however, the person is willing to pay a much higher rate for a loan (credit card, check-in-go), the "bank" would be more likely to lend the money. Credit agencies look at the situation and assess the strength of an entity (Greece). Because Greece has huge amounts of debt, the agencies rate them JUNK which signals to the lenders that they need to charge higher rates (if you are going to lend Greece money at all) becasue they are marginally less creditworthy than a couple of days ago. JUNK status simply signals high risk.

The U.S. can learn a lot from the Greek situation.

President Obama said yesterday his brand new Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Commission (the "Deficit Panel") would study the deficit problem carefully and all options are "on the table." To be sure, the Deficit Panel should not have study the problem very carefully. The solution is relatively simple- there are INPUTS and OUTPUTS- money coming in (taxes) and money going out (spending). If you spend more money than what you are bringing in, you will be in debt. If you do that for a long period of time, it is likely you will have high amounts of debt. Currently the US deficit is just under $13trillion in debt. The 5th largest single item in the budget is Interest on Debt- this is just one of the ways the Greek Tragedy ties into our situation.

I believe in the Deficit Panel. These are smart people. We can do it. We can learn from the Greeks. We can take the easy way or the hard way.

Greek Tragedy to be continued- we will explain why ALL options (i.e. choices) should NOT be on the table.

Monday, April 26, 2010

How NOT to win friends and influence police officers

Freeman here.

I love reading other blogs and I thought you choice-ophiles would really appreciate this one.

Here a law student recounts that a police officer chose to pull him over, that he chose to remain silent and that he was very knowledgeable about various statutes-- the same statutes for which the officer allegedly pulled him over. My favorite part is when the student calls the officer's bluff "Officer, if you think it is illegal write me a ticket and we'll have a judge decide." Brilliant.

The Logic of Choice

How do bloggers choose the name of their blog? Why do we make certain choices everyday?

In attempting to name a blog that will encompass a variety of topics in the financial, political, and economic world (plus some pop culture), we looked at (and discarded) a variety of choices-- "Other People's Money" (too political and the name of a movie with Danny DeVito) "Dollars and Sense" (already taken) "Money Blog" (boring) "Incentives Matter" (confusing- "matter" as a verb or a noun?). Finally we landed on "The Logic of Choice." Odd, because if you read the preceding sentence, the name choice was made out of a collection of random thoughts and opinions of the contributors (in fact, one contributor really disliked the decision because he felted it harked of a science-based abortion blog).

The choices we make in the areas of finance, politics and economics are important and will have a major impact on our lives. With any choice, costs and benefits must be weighed before the choice is made. In order to make smart(er) choices, logic and strategic thinking- even intuition- will come into play. Hopefully the topics and opinions expressed here will aide our readers to apply a logical approach to the choices they make. Thank you and enjoy.