1. The Kind-yet-Cheeky Brit in Britain- "I think what is impressive is the level of support for a sport so far down the nations priorities. Ahead of it you have (in no order) Ice hockey, American football, Basketball, Nascar (I think) and then you have the college versions which get major attention. If an English team was in a world tournament of a sport so far down own priorities I doubt it would get close to this kind of interest.
But I guess that's the Americans for ya: Interested when they're good at something ;-)"
2. The Nasty-Bloke Brit in Britain- at speaktruth (by Jaimexico):
"'The lad Bradley is also a fine fine midfielder. Much much better than any midfielder in the current England squad.'
Based on what exactly? Seeing him in a handful of world cup matches? Then again, I suppose that's the kneejerk Guardian reaction isn't it - let's disparage England whilst bigging up a player from a less fashionable or well known footballing nation. Facetiousness of the highest order.
Bradley better than Lampard, Gerrard, Milner, Lennon or Barry? Seriously, think before you comment."
3. The Same Nasty-Bloke Brit in Britain- by Jaimexico- "Oh and before I forget: the MLS is a Mickey Mouse league for Budweiser swilling morons.
You're right, it IS easy!"
4. The Yank-Bugger American in America- "Hey Jaimexico,
The MLS may very well be a "Mickey Mouse League" (I don't know, I don't pay attn), but you must understand that it is exquisitely entertaining to see our fourth-tier athletes compete and have relative success against the world's "All-Stars" in a sport nobody really gives a damn about over here.
Your idea of an athlete is John Terry, my idea of an athlete is...Lebron James.
Where's my Budweiser? I'm thirsty!"

5. The Decent Brit Chap Located Somewhere- "Yes in my view, [Bradley] is better than England's central midfielders and if you remove Lampard from the team and put Bradley in his role. England would look a much better proposition. In fact they will come close to looking as good as they did against Slovenia. In the next England game when they revert to type and you ask why they cant replicate that performance, I will point you towards the lack of an obvious true midfield general.
This is just my view. No need to get your knickers in a twist with your facetiousness. Lampard and Gerrard are not going to be expelled to the MLS just cos I say Bradley does a better job.
And on Bradley, he is ostensibly a defensive midfielder, who is not afraid to get in the box and has a decent scoring record from midfield. Sort of Makalele with goals."
Hilarious comments, hilarious article.
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